Copyright:Wuqiang Xintai Fiberglass Products Co., Ltd. 冀ICP备11012029号-2
What is the China Glass fiber plain weaving window scree
The China Glass fiber plain weaving window scree is woven from glass fiber monofilament, coated with vinyl resin by a special process, and formed into a mesh product after finishing, weaving and heat setting. The Glass fiber plain weaving window scree combine the excellent properties of two objects, fiberglass and vinyl, with excellent chemical properties.
The China Glass fiber plain weaving window scree is made of many glass fiber filaments that are twisted and woven into a net, and then thermally coated with vinyl polymer. The structure is rigorous and the shape is beautiful. The China Glass fiber plain weaving window scree are widely used in various ventilation and anti-mosquito facilities such as construction and furniture.
The China Glass fiber plain weaving window scree, also known as invisible screen, is made of glass fiber and PVC monofilament plastic coating process through the process of plain weaving. The plain weave of Glass fiber plain weaving window scree refers to the weaving method in which one warp is pressed against one weft and one weft is pressed against one warp. It is the most common and simplest weaving method. The warp and weft of a single line of China Glass fiber plain weaving window scree is interlaced and superimposed, and the mesh mesh is square in shape, which is very widely used.