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Glass fiber screen news

What are the classifications of pleated fiberglass window screens?

Pleated fiberglass window screen rovings, roving fabrics (plaid), fiberglass mats, chopped strands and milled fibers, fiberglass fabrics, combined fiberglass reinforcements, fiberglass wetlaid mats.

  Pleated fiberglass window screen rovings, roving fabrics (plaid), fiberglass mats, chopped strands and milled fibers, fiberglass fabrics, combined fiberglass reinforcements, fiberglass wetlaid mats.

Pleated fiberglass window screen

  What does pleated fiberglass window screen usually 60 yarns per 100cm mean? This is the product specification data, which means that there are 60 yarns in 100 cm.

  How to sizing the Pleated fiberglass window screen?

  For the glass yarn made of Pleated fiberglass window screen screen, the single yarn generally needs to be sizing, and the filament double-strand thread can not be sizing. Glass fiber fabrics are all in small batches. Therefore, most of them are sizing by dry sizing or slitting and sizing machine, and not many are sizing by warp sizing machine. When sizing with starch slurry, starch is used as a sizing agent, as long as a small sizing rate (3%) is used. If using a warp sizing machine, some PVA or acrylic size can be used.

  What are the terms of the Pleated fiberglass window screen?

  The acid and electrical resistance and mechanical properties of alkali-free glass fiber are better than those of medium alkali. "Count" is a unit that expresses the specification of the Pleated fiberglass window screen. The specific definition is the length of 1 gram of glass fiber, and 360 pieces means that 1 gram of glass fiber has 360 meters.